Examining the Finality of Probate Court Orders in Texas

Probate proceedings in Texas often feature multiple complex stages and interim rulings before finality is reached. This multi-phase process aims to fully and fairly administer estates, but it also creates potential complications when it comes to appealing orders issued along the way. Since appellate courts want to discourage piecemeal appeals before probate completion, only certain…


Does Filing a Motion Count as a Will Contest in Texas?

Probate litigation often involves various motions filed by the parties. These include motions related to discovery requests, such as motions to compel and motions for protective orders. There are also motions to turn over property of the estate or to compel accountings by the executor.  One of the key challenges in probate cases is determining…


Common Law Marriage & the Race to the Courthouse When the First Spouse Dies

The statistics show that fewer and fewer people are getting married.  It is much more common for those who are in a relationship to simply forego the legal or formal process to get married.  This can have a number of unforeseen consequences. Take the case of a couple who held themselves out as being married…


Can a Sibling Be Appointed Guardian Over the Wishes of the Sibling’s Spouse?

The term “guardianship” refers to the court supervision of an incapacitated person. The court appoints a guardian and grants them legal authority to make personal and/or financial decisions for the incapacitated person.  This can be needed if, for example, the incapacitated person owes debts to others. This can be a lengthy process and it can…


Probate Disputes Can Result from Ambiguous Language in Deeds

Lifetime gifts of real estate generally pass outside of the probate process, as they pass prior to probate. However, these transfers are often not discovered until the death of the property owner. This is why these disputes are often part of the probate process. Probate disputes often involve disputes over property that was purportedly or…
