While owing money to the IRS is not ideal, it is often manageable. One just needs a view of the longer time horizon. As it turns out, in many cases, the IRS never even bothers to attempt to collect unpaid taxes and/or it ends up only collecting a small amount. While there are a lot……
Tag: Bankruptcy Tax
Pay IRS Estimated Tax Prior to Filing Bankruptcy
Taxes incurred just prior to filing bankruptcy are not dischargeable in bankruptcy. The debtor will have to pay these taxes or work out a collection alternative with the IRS for these taxes. This raises the question as to whether a debtor can basically pay the IRS estimated payments to satisfy their income taxes for the……
IRS Collects Taxes Discharged in Bankruptcy
When the governmet confers a benefit, it invariably puts conditions on the benefit. Congress will often modify the conditions over time. The result can be a very nuanced set of rules that, to the uninitiated, can seem nonsensical and impossible to descipher. The rules that allow taxes to be discharged in bankruptcy fall into this……
Does Nominee Tax Liability Extend to Employees?
There is a large segment of our population that owe back taxes to the IRS. Whether you know of their situation, chances are good that you know someone who owes back taxes. Chances are good that you have unwittingly transacted business with an individual or business that owes back taxes. You may have even worked……
IRS Can Avoid Bankruptcy Collection Hold
One of the benefits of filing bankruptcy is that creditors are precluded from taking collection actions. When a taxpayer who owes unpaid taxes to the IRS files for bankruptcy, this collection hold applies to the IRS. But what if the IRS could simply file a motion and avoid the collection hold? This is exactly what……
IRS Pursuit of Additional Taxes After Bankruptcy
One of the benefits of bankruptcy is that it provides some certainty as to what is owed. If successful, the bankruptcy process can provide debtors with a fresh start. But things get complicated when taxes are involved. The recent Breland v. Commissioner, 152 T.C. 9 (2019), case provides an example whereby the IRS was allowed……
Discharging Unpaid Taxes in Bankruptcy
There are circumstances when unpaid taxes can be discharged in bankruptcy. There are a number of rules involved. They all hinge on whether a tax return was filed. The recent United States v. Mayer, No. 16-626-RGA (D. Del. 2018), case provides an opportunity to consider these bankruptcy-tax rules. Facts & Procedural History The case involved the taxpayer’s……
IRS Cannot Collect Taxes Discharged in Bankruptcy
In Internal Revenue Service v. Murphy, No. 17-1601 (1st Cir. 2018), the taxpayer discharged his unpaid taxes in bankruptcy. The IRS continued to try to collect the discharged tax debt. The case is a must read for taxpayers who find themselves in this same situation. The Facts & Procedural History The taxpayer in Murphy filed Chapter……